Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion: An Open Letter to Jane Hamsher

Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion: An Open Letter to Jane Hamsher
Professor William Jacobson is a righty blogger and a vocal opponent of Obamacare. Jane Hamsher is a lefty blogger who also opposes Obamacare, though not necessarily for the same reasons as Jacobson. Jacobson offers Hamsher a proposition:
I want the Senate bill killed for my reasons, and you for yours. Now is your chance to kill the bill by helping elect Scott Brown [a Massachusetts Republican Senatorial candidate who, if elected, would deny Reid his 60 votes].
The problem for Hamsher is this would require her to elevate opposition to Obamacare over loyalty to the Democrats.

Bill made Jane an offer
To help get what she wants.
If she accepts his proffer,
She’ll suffer Lefty taunts.

So which is more important,
She’s got to make the call,
Good left-wing deportment
Or winning in the brawl?

Obamacare is noxious.
We need it to be stopped.
It should not make her bilious
To work to get it chopped.

To reply, email texthepontificator at yahoo dot com.


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