Tuesday, January 26, 2010

How Did They Find Me With That Search Query?

Because my traffic is ridiculously low, I sometimes check to see how people find me. Here's a search query that led someone here:

"before the 60's, wildebeests were infected by a disease"

I can't imagine how that led to me. For the record, I know nothing about wildebeest diseases.

To reply, email texthepontificator at yahoo dot com.


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Let's Hope This is the Lesson Democrats Take Away From Brown's Election

Paul Mirengoff at Powerline reports at least one Democrat's take on Scott Brown's upset of Coakley in Massachusetts is that it is George Bush's fault. If only we could be so lucky that the Democrats as a whole buy into and act on that explanation.

Democrats thought they were blessed by the sun,
But Republican Brown came up and won.
The Dem’s fell soundly right on their tush,
And quickly began to blame it on Bush,
But try as they might, they're not having fun.
The number to know is now forty-one.

To reply, email texthepontificator at yahoo dot com.

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Due Regard for the Role of the Press

Regarding the brouhaha over Martha Coakley aide Michael Meehan knocking a reporter to the ground for having the temerity to ask questions Coakley would rather not answer . . .

Michael Meehan acts the thug,
He says he's sorry, with a shrug.
Perhaps he then will give a hug,
To sweep his violence 'neath the rug

To reply, email texthepontificator at yahoo dot com.

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Tuesday, January 05, 2010

The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency

I don't usually recommend books, movies, or the like, but I'm making an exception. My wife and I have been watching episodes of the HBO series "The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency." We have been getting them from Netflix.

The stories are based on a series of books by Alexander McCall Smith and are set in Gabarone, Botswana. The mystery aspects of the plot are thin, but that is more than compensated for by the interaction of the characters and the view of life inside Botswana. It is the view of Botswanan life that draws me the most. I have thoroughly enjoyed these stories and recommend them to others.

To reply, email texthepontificator at yahoo dot com.


Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion: An Open Letter to Jane Hamsher

Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion: An Open Letter to Jane Hamsher
Professor William Jacobson is a righty blogger and a vocal opponent of Obamacare. Jane Hamsher is a lefty blogger who also opposes Obamacare, though not necessarily for the same reasons as Jacobson. Jacobson offers Hamsher a proposition:
I want the Senate bill killed for my reasons, and you for yours. Now is your chance to kill the bill by helping elect Scott Brown [a Massachusetts Republican Senatorial candidate who, if elected, would deny Reid his 60 votes].
The problem for Hamsher is this would require her to elevate opposition to Obamacare over loyalty to the Democrats.

Bill made Jane an offer
To help get what she wants.
If she accepts his proffer,
She’ll suffer Lefty taunts.

So which is more important,
She’s got to make the call,
Good left-wing deportment
Or winning in the brawl?

Obamacare is noxious.
We need it to be stopped.
It should not make her bilious
To work to get it chopped.

To reply, email texthepontificator at yahoo dot com.


Continuing Health Care Secrecy

C-Span has asked to televise the House and Senate Conference intended to reconcile the health care bills. But allowing that would interfere with Nancy Pelosi's plan to keep the public ignorant until it's too late.

Nancy Pelosi,
Ever the goat, she,
Plans to pass health care in secret.
Though C-Span complained,
Spotlighting her train,
A secret Pelosi will keep it.

To reply, email texthepontificator at yahoo dot com.

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Saturday, January 02, 2010

If (only) . . .

I suffer no illusion anything I write can hold a candle to Rudyard Kipling, but I do admire his skill.

If you can tell all comers what they each desire to hear
And get each one of them to cheer;
If you can defer their understanding they’ve been had,
Their seeing you clearly as a cad;
If you can lie without being seen to be a liar,
With no one knowing that your pants have caught on fire;
If you can promise things no sentient being could believe,
And contain the damage when the marks begin to seethe;
If you can crush the economy with regulations that you weal,
And pretend that reality is not real;
If you can shelter cronies and hammer down your critics,
While making bland pronouncements sans specifics;
If you can claim your predecessor was a cowboy,
Who dealt with foreign leaders as a plow boy,
But bow to leaders from Riyadh to Yokohama,
You, my son, can surely be Obama.

To reply, email texthepontificator at yahoo dot com.


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